-3 cups pinto beans
-1 can corn, drained and rinsed
-1 yellow onion, chopped
-1 bag frozen peppers and onions (or add additional 1/2 onion + 2 bell peppers)
-2 medium sweet potatoes, chopped into chunks
-4 cups veggie broth
-2-3 tbsp homemade chili seasoning (use my recipe HERE: https://flourishingmiranda.wixsite.com/flourishing-miranda/post/homemade-chili-seasoning
Add onions and peppers with about 1/4 cup of veggie broth to your pot, let cook for about 2-4 minutes than add in remaining ingredients
Cook at medium high heat for 18-20 minutes until sweet potatoes are tender

Hi Miranda, I was just thinking how nice it would be to have your recipes written down! Thanks for starting a blog! I’ve really enjoyed your meal ideas and my family has too. I have kiddos who love to cook and enjoy following your recipes.