If you don't already have an emergency food pantry, you're not alone! In 2020 it was reported that only 6.7% of American's have what is considered "emergency food on hand".
Below you'll see resources to how to start your own for just $25 with additional resources to build up that stock!

Here is how I started my FIRST emergency food pantry: https://youtu.be/zn-MvlpdMZc
For starting a food pantry for just $25 I decided this time to share item I got at the Dollar Tree for the simplicity that I knew any Dollar Tree you shopped at around the US the prices would match up, unlike if I were to shop at my local Walmart prices would vary
Here is my first $25 dollar trip:
-3 packages refried beans
-3 ready to eat packs of brown rice
-2 cans spaghetti sauce
-2 boxes pasta
-5 bags of lentils & beans (variety is personal preference)
-2 boxes hungry jack pancake mix
-1 bag white rice
-1 bag brown rice
-1 box fruit snacks
Here is my second $25 dollar trip:
**Trips 2 & 3 are again based on the dollar tree prices, but I do think you could get these items for less that larger groceries store
-4 cans beans (variety is personal preference)
-2 cans spaghetti sauce
-2 boxes pasta
-2 packages refried beans
-2 packages ready to eat rice
-3 cans green beans
-3 cans corn
-1 can instant coffee
-1 box oatmeal
Here is my third $25 dollar trip:
-2 boxes cereal (any variety)
-2 cartons milk (they always have some type of shelf stable milk available)
-2 boxes instant mashed
-1 bag white rice
-1 bag brown rice
-3 cans mixed veggies
-1 box oatmeal
-3 bags dry beans
-2 jars peanut butter
-3 cases ramen
Depending on your lifestyle or diet preferences you can swap for items that better suit you, but this is a rounded variety to make easy meals depending your "why" to build our an emergency pantry. Having variety helps to build your pantry and will help you get creative when using the items within it.

How to start an emergency food pantry for $25: